We'd love to hear from you! Please visit our website or check the list below to see what contact best fits your needs.
Website (requires Flash)
315 Cole Street
Dallas, Texas 75207
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm, by appointment
Saturday: By appointment only
General Inquiries
Please email info@poshcouturerentals.com with your name, email, and questions or comments. (If applicable, please list specific products and/or dates for your event.)
Press Inquiries
We are always interested in working with online, print, and other media as regular contributors, providing expertise or quotes, or as part of a feature story on our company/products. Interested parties should contact Angela Sayre at angela@poshcouturerentals.com with any questions or comments.
Advertising Inquiries
Please contact Angela Sayre at angela@poshcouturerentals.com.
If you are a client or event planner with images and links relative to POSH Couture Rentals, we'd love to share you work with our readers. Only events and products that are in keeping with the POSH Preference aesthetic will be considered. Send submissions to showroom@poshcouturerentals.com.
Likewise, if you would like to collaborate with POSH Couture Rentals on an upcoming event, blog post, or photo shoot, please send an email with the applicable information to showroom@poshcouturerentals.com. We would love to work with you depending on our calendar and scheduling.
POSH Couture Rentals
Laurel Howell, Partner
Jami Goetze, Partner
Meg Hayes, Director of Business Development and Sales
Julie Smith, Sales Manager
Angela Sayre, Director of Marketing
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